Saturday, June 2, 2012

Fly the Drupe Flat

The train whistle toots as a last call to board before leaving. Your sister hands you your floral suitcase, and tells you to stand still for a moment while she snaps a parting photo of you looking set for adventure in your berry-colored cardi, high-waisted shorts, and these travel-savvy Fly the Drupe flats.

The locomotive begins to move, and you quickly grab ahold of the handle and hop onto the stairs with the nimbleness provided by these stone-white, soft faux leather shoes with leather insole. Taking an aisle seat, you cross a leg over the other, and the fruit-patterned large bow that's secured on your Velcro Mary Jane strap is visible all down the corridor.

A stranger suddenly compliments your peds and asks to take the seat next to you. Enchanted by this attractive guest, you agree, and suddenly your stylish departure becomes all the more thrilling!

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